Kerala jackpot results: Kerala Result results have been announced on Monday 10th June. The results of Win-Win W773 will be announced today at 3:00 PM and the official results will be published on the website from 4:00 PM. The first prize of the lottery is ₹ 7500000. We are keeping an eye on these results in FYG. If you want to know about any lottery result you want to buy, then you can find the list here.
A competition was started in Kerala in 1967, so today we will know by the name of Kerala Lottery. Do you know that this competition was made for the general public, and to organize it, a former lottery department is already located in rural states. This competition is played many times in the state government, whichever contestants participate in it, they are also given many gifts, the first coming, third coming and third coming contestants get a very good gift. Contestants have to keep in mind that the lottery draws are announced from the list of numbers selected from the lottery system. The lottery draws are played through a government body and are conducted in a committee confirmation, so the survivors remain assured about the fairness and impartiality of the betting. The lottery results are also announced on the official website and in the news, which makes it easy to win.
1st Prize Rs 7500000
2nd Prize Rs 100000
3rd Prize Rs 100000
4th Prize Rs 5000
5th Prize Rs 1000
Consolation Prize Rs 8000
4371280774 8388244656
|3 273404 nn494
04283 24087
64676 1839628714 15072
4800 90409 75809CoU2 g639064338 59773
17849 29119 51175
4 781845 300190565914348
567144 12520 74611|631364 31311 026217 2078119340 183658 39096 42492 514418 0809993100459612 67721 9 6826110 76349 83878 35037 10 9859311 00283 79906 0670711 94199|12 80431 59928b1962 12 3051913/ 5492548216 7700313| 8248214 50394 08354 82153 14 7077615 02310 66743 2131515 9549516 39006 05220 59452 16| 3228215787 17| 1556918 67544 10861 53823 18 6275919 05754 20944 73917 19 8443820 35028 92607 51009 20 9226521 52918 11888 92576 21 5877122 41568 79872 7193722 8174423 01705 84589 | 3577123 7048324 84688 18753 | 8153424| 6920425 20201 18031 55284 25 16535|26
27 56315 18386 2540427 5936728 46982 69600 57269 28| 7316229 37360 03750 J 00441 29 4801430 88953 45089 6147331 59841 771 06 23671
43418 8506795300 9278140959 6145234932 31555
Dear Result Chart 2024
44096 85804| 92719 4100492700 69361 6054232535 49643 2060979124 79972 3175727500 98395 2242224748 88309 09868
72225 8 2973644415 9 0706649057 61578 10 4301437891 89151 1 803868999672362 12| 97?16n82485668813 1194542915 54755 14| 7461371453 05498 15 5006654528 51007 L6 6971537030 05097 7711494632658993 8 2603379063 64906 8 61600677773563019 57882 08534 79884 19 5772844592 9582120 83828 59357 84506 20 4586923190 9553021 21170 39388 92004 21 0717981419 32000 22 89247 94051 52029 22 009062245594837 23 1783383780 05186 23 2814621785 69346 24 81137 76374 72217 24| 8934729676 25 36441 00601 57306 25 3852347528 26| 27507 09185 34017 26 7347946096 27 09566 02649 952612283517282 28| 33548 37513 09330 28 4304632779 29 49157 42310 52015 29 7631211828 97298 16068 30[ 3627027349 95489 64549 31
2 82gng
Apr 24
45651 53391
54962 72112
3 435704 95335 70279 118274 34153 3731155899 74574 7923451678 2897742255 58778 70982 99395 8636070155 22458 87259 7 90353 4473950784 24463 8 39911 64490 69818 8 5524682634 38861 9 82224 77127 84296 9 1334398854 29532 10| 63678 01756 05336 10 2740863387 85018 11| 23528 20753 45693 8416241162 14770 L2 63191 61915 09143 12| 3870197035 45445 13 21744 99422 63650 13 5102018610 09044 14 7732964903 37111 l5 5785675085 36375 6 8094459971 29772 L?77932
43236 67466AN614 5308571973 94778
4404642796 84355 8735797298 2 57374690611 7460410315 3 73424 38206 1324414841 4 68319 18470 71751577145 2101573733 77315698546 6510396036 462294003626083 97600 90319562178 87160 26902 6359502881 41772 9 43509 65425 827319074253649 10| 7176674330
09570 25611 1327569 14 36496 69574 18191 14|14147 41790 15 643304 74888 066021548797 16| 24893 28605 6165216|14159 17 17410 39066 51450 1716283 18 50990 75644 494161867007 19 28992 2064448089 20 26329 1375043374 |21 93669 423778323622 21068 2982754249 23 82438 2844448882 24 9576345546 25 835102633326| 5666974634 27 310636465828 61066 33726 25840288479229 4667O 51628 23324299382130 90203 42619 75885 | 3031 61222 83984 6852031
05592 185531140223 25371 12
26516 1921413 |20714872114842 22
75534 2438166 25
884132741159101 66231 27
58201 26